Date: 14.01.2021

Biblical Text: “ And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray and not to faint”. [Luke 18:1]

A missionary was sharing an experience he had at a jungle campsite. Upon arrival in the city, he had treated a man seriously injured and talked to him about Jesus. Unknown to him, the man with five of his friends followed him into the jungle campsite with the intention of killing him in order to rob him of the money and medical drugs on him. But as they were about to reach the camp, they saw he was surrounded by 26 armed guards which were seen by the six friends. Because of those guards, they were afraid and left him alone. As he was recounting this experience in Church, a man from the congregation jumped to his feet and interrupted the missionary; he asked the exact day that this happened. The day he mentioned was the same day he had a strong urge to pray for the missionary. He called the men in the Church to come and pray with him in the Church. All of them that gathered that day were 26! Prayer is a crucial weapon of the believer. The power of prayer delivered Apostle Peter from the hands of wicked Herod. As a child of God, we are admonished to pray without ceasing. There is power in prayer. Prayer is an act of communicating with God; it is not a monologue conversation but a dialogue! You speak, He speaks. Make it a point of duty to start your day with prayer and end it with prayers. Also, always pray anytime you have a strong urge to pray. It works wonders.

KNOW IT ∞ We experience the power of God in prayers

READ IT ∞ Psalm 55:17, Daniel 6:10, Jeremiah 29:12

PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the grace to always seek your face in prayers.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 1 Corinthians 13-16

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Date: 13.01.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ For she said, if I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole. [Mark 5:28]

There was a certain woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years. She had suffered many things in the hands of the physicians and had spent all she had. She was not better but her condition grew worse. When she heard of Jesus, she decided to seek Him because of the mighty signs and wonders He did. He could not see Jesus one on one because of the multitudes present. But her faith was stirred up; she believed that if only she could touch His clothes she would be well. She forced her way in the crowd and touched Jesus. Immediately, the fountain of her blood dried up and she was healed of that plague. The woman tried many alternatives before she came to Jesus. She initially believed many of the physicians she consulted but none could heal her despite spending all her savings. If she had not believed in Jesus probably she would have died from the infirmity. A lot of people remain challenged, plagued and in suffering because of who they believe in. Who you believe in, determines who you seek help from. They take the simplicity of the Gospel for granted but seek traditional help where they will list countless items for them to bring for sacrifice. Some seek help from other religion when challenged. If you are in this category of people, stop going round in circles, they cannot deliver you. Come to Jesus, believe Him and He will terminate every plague and challenges in your life. He is the same yesterday, today and forever more.

KNOW IT ∞ Believe only in God, He will bring an end to the plague troubling your life.

READ IT ∞ Mark 5:25-34, 1 Kings 18:37-39, John 1:12

PRAY IT ∞ Father, I believe in you, manifest yourself in my life and situation.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 1 Corinthians 10-12

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Date: 12.01.2021

Topic: IDEAS
Biblical Text: “ But there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding . [Job 32:8]

Henry Ford, the father of Americas most famous automobile and the first affordable car was passionate about cars since the age of 16. Working in machine shops, Henry Ford was thinking about creating an affordable and efficient car which suits every American. Not until 1908, Ford launched the MODEL T with a starting price of $ 825 while most cars of the era commanded a price of $ 2,000 or more. By 1925, the price was down to $260. The car had huge success with nearly 18,000 pieces sold in the first year. MODEL T became Americas only affordable car for the middle class citizens. Everything begins with an idea. Idea is a product of mental activity. Every modern achievement begins with an idea. Idea comprises of thoughts and inspiration. However, we must realize that many counsels and thoughts that proceed out of the heart will be successful when put to action only when God is in it. Do not run to implement every thought that comes to you, subject it to the inspiration of the almighty and then exploits will be produced. Not all ideas produce the extraordinary but every God backed idea produces the extraordinary. The case of Jacob is an example when God gave him a divine idea of how to breed his own cattle from a taskmaster. The Lord will inspire you with an idea that will breed the extraordinary.

KNOW IT ∞ A God backed idea produces the extraordinary

READ IT ∞ Exodus 35:35, Genesis 31:11-12, Jeremiah 10:12

PRAY IT ∞ Father, breathe on me fresh inspiration today that will culminate in divine exploits.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 1 Corinthians 7-9

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Date: 11.01.2021

Biblical Text: And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron took either of them his censer and put fire therein and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not. [Leviticus 10:1]

On a particular day, Moses instructed Aaron to take a young calf for a sin offering, a ram for a burnt offering and a bullock plus a ram for peace offerings. He told him that the Lord has commanded it and that the glory of the Lord shall appear as they offer the sacrifice. These offerings were meant for the atonement of the sin of Aaron, his sons and the people of Israel as the Lord has commanded. True to Mosess words, the glory of the Lord appeared and there also came a fire upon the altar to consume the burnt offering and the fat. However, the sons of Aaron- Nadab and Abihu had other ideas; they took their censers (a vessel on which coals of fire were put), put their fire there in, then put it on incense (which only Aaron had the authority to do) and offered strange fire before the Lord. Immediately they did this, fire came down from the Lord and devoured them. Their punishment for offering the strange fire was death. In service to God, we must be conscious not to offer strange fire in His presence. Nadab and Abihu either thought God would overlook their sins or consider it as nothing. Had they known? A chorister that dresses indecently for a church ministration is offering a strange fire; an usher using vulgar language in the presence of the Lord is offering strange fire. Small acts of disobedience precedes great acts of rebellion; do not take God for granted and risk His wrath by offering strange fire in His presence.

KNOW IT ∞ Do not offer strange fire in the presence of the Lord, it can attract His wrath.

READ IT ∞ Leviticus 9:24, 10:1-2, Romans 10:2

PRAY IT ∞ Father, I receive grace never to offer strange fire in your presence.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 1 Corinthians 4-6

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Date: 10.01.2021

Biblical Text: And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents. [Genesis 25:27]

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Emily. She was born from a family of musicians. Her father was an exemplary pianist during his youth and then became a music professor in a university. Her mother on the other hand was a singer and composer. Emilys older brother played saxophone and was a member of the church choir. But Emily was not like them; she could not sing or play any musical instruments. The parents were unhappy with this. Emily loved to paint; she spent time sketching and painting. Over the years, she won medals and trophies for her excellent art works. She found her niche and won the respect of her parents. You are also created with a difference so that you can make a difference. You are unique. Today, nearly seven billion people live on the earth, despite the vast numbers; science confirms that each person is different and unique. No two people are or will be exactly alike, right down to our physical fingerprints and how each of us thinks, we are uniquely different. God loves variety; Esau was a cunning hunter while Jacob was in the cattle business. Because your father is a professor in mathematics does not necessarily mean you must be very good in mathematics too! You are unique, discover what God has created you for and begin to excel in it.

KNOW IT ∞ God created us differently and uniquely to make a difference.

READ IT ∞ Mark 10:46-52, Psalm 63:1, Luke 8:43-48

PRAY IT ∞ Father, thank you for the uniqueness you have put in me.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Proverbs 29-31

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Date: 09.01.2021

Biblical Text: And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, oh that thou wouldest bless me and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. [1 Chronicles 4:10]
His name is George; he grew up in a small town but always desperately wanted a change. Life had different plans and through a series of events, he found himself taking over his uncles business in the town he so desperately wanted to get away from. One day, thanks to an irresponsible employee, he lost a large sum of money which belonged to his business and would soon face charges and jail time for embezzling of funds. Absolutely desperate that night he found himself crying out to God, Oh God, I am not a praying man but if you are up there and you can hear me, show me the way. I am at the end of my rope, show me the way oh God. At the face of defeat or frustration, one will desperately desire a change. To the one who just lost his job and the debts are piling; to the one who has repeatedly failed a subject or course hindering his graduation; to the one having serious health challenges and the doctor told you no hope of survival! There is hope for all; in moments of desperation, Jesus is more than enough. He was enough for the woman with the issue of blood. Knock on heavens door, He will deliver you.

KNOW IT ∞ Be desperate to encounter God, then your change will come.

READ IT ∞ 1 Kings 19:19-20, Daniel 1:8, 3:15-30

PRAY IT ∞ Father, I am desperate for a change, make it happen for me O Lord.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 1 Corinthians 1-3

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Date: 08.01.2021

Biblical Text: For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the spirit do mind the things of the spirit . [Romans 8:5]
April 15th marks the 103rd anniversary of a major catastrophe: the sinking of the Titanic, arguably one of the most talked about tragedies of the 20th century. The tragedy shocked the world because the titanic had been touted as the safest ship ever built. Before, the tragedy, several investors saw it as a good opportunity to bid to insure the ship. As the safest ship ever built, nobody placed any risk on insuring the ship. It looked like a good bit of business. John D Rockefeller whose conglomerate was supposed to insure the titanic ship backed out of the deal which appeared so promising by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Had he invested in the insurance deal, the tragedy on the ship would have ruined his entire business! The apostles of old lived their life under the complete control of the Holy Spirit. Most times, we are too quick to make a decision and swing into action without consulting with the Holy Spirit. We have got our fingers burnt on a number of occasions for not walking in the spirit. To walk in the spirit, we must first surrender our lives to Christ and then he will put His Spirit in us to enable us walk according to His statutes and leadings. When we walk in the Spirit, our life is void of condemnation and regret. It also helps us to destroy the deeds of the flesh. Make a decision to always walk in the Spirit.

KNOW IT ∞ Walking in the Spirit is walking with God and allowing Him lead you into the miraculous.

READ IT ∞ Ezekiel 36:27, Romans 8:1, Galatians 5:16

PRAY IT ∞ Father, I receive grace to always walk in the Spirit.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Proverbs 25-28

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Date: 07.01.2021
Biblical Text: “ The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it and is safe”. [Proverbs 18:10]
During World War II, a US marine was separated from his unit on a pacific island. The fighting had been intense. Alone in the jungle, he could hear enemy soldiers coming in his direction. Scrambling for cover, he found his way up a high ridge to several small caves in the jungle. Although safe for a moment, he knew it was only a matter of time before he would be killed. As he waited, he prayed, Lord, if it be your will, please protect me. Whatever your will though, I love you and trust you, Amen. After praying, he lay quietly listening to the enemy, he thought, Well I guess the Lord is not going to help me out of this one. Then a spider began to build a web over the front of his cave. The US marine exclaimed, Lord, what I want is a brick wall, and not a spider web! The enemies searched all the caves, when they got to his own cave to his amazement; they glanced in the direction and moved on. The enemies did not expect anyone in a cave where there is a spider web at the entrance. He had forgotten that with God, a spiders web is stronger than a brick wall! When God becomes your strong tower, no adversary can afflict you. This was the case of David in the Bible; because God was his strong tower, he always overcame his enemies. So many evils are happening in our society today; kidnappings, money rituals, scamming, fraud and yahoo yahoo are on the increase. Nowadays, evil people operate any time of the day. The reassuring word we can hold on to is that, The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it and is safe.
KNOW IT ∞ You are preserved from all evil under the strong tower of God
READ IT ∞ Psalm 34:17-18, 91:1, 91:7
PRAY IT ∞ Father, thank you for protecting me from all evils.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Proverbs 22-24
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Date: 06.01.2021


Biblical Text: And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, for now the Lord hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land. [Genesis 26:21]
A mans favorite donkey falls into a deep pit. He cant pull it out no matter how hard he tries. He therefore decides to bury it alive. Soil is poured onto the donkey from above; the donkey feels the load, shakes it off and steps on it. More soil is poured; the donkey shakes it off and steps on it. The more the load was poured, the higher the donkey rose. By noon, the donkey was out of the pit. What was meant to bury the donkey lifted him out of the pit. Do not admit too early that it is not working. If God is in it, it will eventually work. Isaac kept digging the well until they stopped contending with him on the ownership. God wants us to be patient and trust in Him. Although the man gave up trying to save his donkey, the donkey did not see it the same way; the donkey saw his escape in the horizon. We need to seek the face of God to find out why certain tasks in business, career or academic are fruitless or lacking result. If God is involved in your tasks, the end result is that it will work no matter how it appears at the moment. Hold on and do not despair, it will work in your hands in Jesus Name.

KNOW IT ∞ The end result of any endeavor that God is involved is productivity.

READ IT ∞ Psalm 119:105, Philippians 4:6, Romans 8:28

PRAY IT ∞ Father, in your mercy, open my eyes to see what I need to do to make what is not working in my hands to begin to work.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Proverbs 19-21

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Date: 05.01.2021
Topic: NO TIME
Biblical Text: “ Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say; I have no pleasure in them. [Ecclesiastes 12:1]
A legend tells of the devil summoning his evil forces to consider how best to keep the world on his side. One demon said, send me. I will tell them there is no God. Satan replied, They will never believe you. Most of them know that there is a God. Another said, send me. I will tell them there is no heaven or hell. Satan shook his head, That will never do. They know there is life after death. Then a third spoke, send me. I will tell them there is a God, a heaven and a hell, but there is no hurry to decide, no time to give it a thought. Ah, said Satan with satisfaction that is the best plan! He was sent out into the world to spread the lie. Many times we allow the less important things in life take the place of the most important thing. We have time to execute the activities that feed our physical body but neglect our spiritual life; we are too busy to pray and read our Bible. We have time to surf the internet, play with our mobile phone, visit friends and play games at the most critical part of the day, leaving out the weightier matters of the law. The most important thing to have time for, are the things of God and there is always a divine blessing when we give Him our time.

KNOW IT ∞ Create time for the most important thing which is God centered.

READ IT ∞ Ephesians 5:15-17, Psalm 90:12, Ecclesiastes 3:1
PRAY IT ∞ Father, I receive grace to always have time for you and my kingdom assignment.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Proverbs 15-18

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