Date: 17.02.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ (for the children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose according to election might stand, not of works but of him that calleth)’. [Romans 9:11]

Kunle grew up in a humble family but he was not exposed to the teachings of Christ. His father and mother were Christians but not practicing Christians. They hardly go to Church. They were moralist but do not encourage their children in the way of the Lord. Due to these mentioned circumstances, Kunle did not believe there is fulfillment in Christ, he rather sought for fulfillment in other areas. He was part of a cult group in his Junior Secondary School. He did not know how to pray to God even in his teenage years; praying to God was strange to him. Despite Kunle’s distant relationship with God, His mercy kept him through his years in secondary school and the University. Then, he had a definite encounter with God. Before the encounter, Kunle was having lots of struggles and pressures in life but when Jesus came into his life, the pressures ceased. God now began to reveal his purpose to him. Therein, Kunle found fulfillment in life. Today, he is fully running with Gods purpose for his life. Purpose simply means a goal to be reached. There is God-made purpose and man-made purpose. While God-made purpose is God conceived, man-made purpose is man conceived. Man-made purpose cannot bring fulfillment, only God’s purpose can! If you do not know God’s purpose for your life, why not go to God and ask Him like Apostle Paul said, ‘What do you want me to do O Lord’. Be patient, He will speak to you.

KNOW IT ∞ God made purpose is God conceived.
READ IT ∞ 2 Timothy 1:9, Ephesians 1:11, 1 John 3:8
PRAY IT ∞ Father, in your mercy, reveal your purpose for my life.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Joshua 13-15

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 14.02.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be condemned’. [Songs of Solomon 8:7]
Amnon loved his sister Tamar; he was always thinking about Tamar. He wanted to be with her. He fell sick because of the love he had for her. But he knew it will be hard for him to get her, it was an unholy feeling; an unholy expression of love. Day by day, he grew more restless, just to sleep with her sister. Finally, he hatched a plan which led to him sleeping with his sister. But something happened immediately after he slept with her; he hated her exceedingly and drove her out of his house. The love he had for her has ended. What you are feeling is it love or lust? As recorded in the Bible text we read, Many waters cannot quench love, neither can flood drown it. Lust is an unholy, strong desire especially a feeling driven by sexual arousal. When you truly love someone (opposite sex), you cannot commit iniquity with the fellow. True love does not rejoice in iniquity. Sex outside marriage is an unholy expression of love. God frowns at it. When someone tells you the only way they can express their love for you is by caressing your body or having sex with you! RUN AWAY from them. They have the same spirit as Amnon. The end will not be pleasant.

KNOW IT ∞ God frowns at every unholy expression of love
READ IT ∞ Songs of Solomon 8:6, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
PRAY IT ∞ Father, I receive grace to disengage from every unholy relationship today in Jesus Name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Joshua 4-6

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 11.02.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many, and in horsemen, because they are very strong, but look not unto the Holy one of Israel.’ [Isaiah 31:1]

Acres of diamond was a true story of a poor farmer who settled in Africa and spent years struggling to raise his crops. His land was rocky and difficult to till. Disenfranchised with his circumstances, the farmer became increasingly fascinated by tales of easy wealth gained by men who searched and discovered diamonds in the countryside. He too, wanted to be rich! He grew tired of the endless labour and impulsively sold his farm to search for diamonds for the rest of his life, he wandered the West African continent searching for diamonds until he became broken spiritually, financially and emotionally. He threw himself into a river and drowned. Meanwhile, the man who had bought his farm discovered that there was diamond on the farm. He was stunned of his new found wealth. It was to become one of the worlds richest diamond mines! The first farmer had unknowingly owned acres of diamonds but was looking for riches somewhere else. Isaac thought there was a greener pasture in Egypt but God prevented him from going. That same year, he sowed and reaped a hundred-fold return; that probably was his own acres of diamond! We must not be quick to run off from our present location in search of greener pastures. Let God lead you, the location you are now might contain your own acres of diamonds.

KNOW IT ∞ Before seeking greener pastures, put it to God to lead you so as not to miss your own acres of diamond.
READ IT ∞ Genesis , 26:1-12, Isaiah 30:2-3
PRAY IT ∞ Father, by your grace, I will not miss my own acres of diamond in Jesus Name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Daniel 10-12
© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 09.02.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ And Jezebel his wife said unto him, Dost thou now govern the kingdom of Israel? Arise, and eat bread, and let thine heart be merry: I will give thee the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.’ [1 Kings 21:7]

King Ahab loved the vineyard beside his palace. It was a garden of herbs. He wanted it and asked the owner Naboth to either sell it to him or allow him to give him a better vineyard elsewhere. Naboth refused to accept any of the conditions insisting it was not right for him to sell the inheritance of his fathers. King Ahab was displeased and unhappy. He refused to eat when he got home. He told his wife, Jezebel the cause of his unhappiness. She promised to get the vineyard for him. Jezebel went ahead to frame Naboth for an offence he did not commit- Blasphemy against God and the king, an offense punishable by death. Naboth was subsequently sentenced to death by stoning. Jezebel on hearing about the death of Naboth told King Ahab to go and take possession of the vineyard. He got what he wanted by all means. God was displeased with the wickedness perpetrated by Ahab and family. He sent prophet Elijah to tell them that they will all die a shameful death without a befitting burial. When we do not mind committing sin to get results by all means, it will attract punishment from God. When you pass your examinations through crooked means, expect a reward from God for it in form of punishment. To turn to a ritualist because you want to have money to help people will only attract Gods severe punishment. Desist from getting result by all means, it always attracts God’s anger and punishment.

KNOW IT ∞ Getting results by all means will only attract God’s divine wrath and punishment.
READ IT ∞ 1 Kings 21:7-15, Jeremiah 17:11
PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the grace to be conscious of getting result only in a godly way.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Daniel 4-6

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 10.02.2021

Biblical Text: “ And he wrote in the letter saying, set ye Uriah in the fore front of the hottest battle and retire ye from him that he may be smitten and die.’ [2 Samuel 11:15]

On a certain day, King David was at the roof of his house, he saw a woman washing herself and he admired the woman. He called his servants and enquired who the woman was. He was told she is Bath-sheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, one of his faithful servants. It could have been expected that upon hearing that the woman was a married woman, and that she was married to one of his loyal soldiers, could have made him desist from lusting after her. But instead he used his power as a king to lay with Bath-sheba. Bath-sheba became pregnant. Since he was determined to get results by all means and prevent the truth from being revealed, he hatched a sinister plot and got Uriah killed. Then, he was relieved that no one would know of the wickedness against Uriah. He went ahead and took Bath-sheba as wife. It is important to note that, how you got results you are currently celebrating is not hidden to God. He knows everything, He is called the OMNIPRESENT. Like the case of King David, God knew and punished him severely for the wickedness he committed. The Lord told him, Sword will not depart from your house. God also told him that they will lie with his wives in the sight of the sun (openly). All happened in his lifetime. Do not rob people in order to pay tithes, God will not honour it. When you get results through ungodly means, you will lose your honour before God and attract a punishment for what you did. Beloveth, beware!
KNOW IT ∞ When you get results through ungodly means, you will lose your honour before God.
READ IT ∞ 2 Samuel 11:2-17, 12:1-6
PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the grace not to get result through ungodly means so as not to lose my honour.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Daniel 7-9

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 08.02.2021

Biblical Text: “ And when Saul enquired of the Lord, the Lord answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets. Then said Saul unto his servants, seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her and enquire of her. And his servants said to him, behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor .’ [1 Samuel 28:6-7]

I heard about the pathetic true-life story of a lady who waited on the Lord for seven years for the fruit of the womb; after seven years, she grew tired of waiting on the Lord and sought other options. Shortly after, she got pregnant. She called the overseer of the Church she was attending before to tell him that she is pregnant. She did it sarcastically to mock the man of God. Fast forward, she gave birth to a baby boy. When the boy was about five years, he woke up the mother one night and demanded for sex. The mother was shocked! The boy told the mother, You know where you got me from, this should not surprise you. There are dangers of considering other options aside God. The Philistines gathered their armies to battle with the Israelites. Saul who had formerly driven out all that had familiar spirits and wizards from the land now went to consult a familiar spirit (other option) when the Lord did not answer him concerning the battle before him. Saul and his sons were killed in that war. Like Saul, some people consider other options because they are living in sin and they know God has turned His back on them. Others consider other options because they felt God is too slow in granting them what they asked for. Taking other options aside God will ultimately bring disappointment and loss. Let God be your first and last option. If sin lieth at your door, repent and let God be your only option. You will not be disappointed or suffer loss in Jesus Name.

KNOW IT ∞ Let God be your only option.
READ IT ∞ Jeremiah 44:16-19, 1 Samuel 28:1-9, Ecclesiastes 7:8
PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the grace never to consider any other option apart from You.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Daniel 1-3

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 07.02.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ From that time, many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him.’ [John 6:66]

Jesus taught his disciples in Capernaum. Majority could not comprehend his teachings; they did not believe Him. They decided to stop being His disciple. But twelve of them refused to turn back; to stop believing in Him. They believed He is Christ, the Son of the living God. A true disciple will believe His words and follow all that is written in it. We have a lot of people today who call themselves disciples of Christ but are fake. They secretly and sometimes openly disobey the Word of Christ. They might be orators when they preach the Gospel but since they do not continue in Gods Word by obeying it, they are not true disciples. A true disciple will believe His Word and preach the Gospel at any available opportunity with accompanying signs and wonders. To believe the Word of God is to trust Him to bring to pass all He has spoken concerning you. A true believer must believe His Word concerning every aspect of their life which includes healing, finances, career, studies and marital life. The hall mark of true discipleship is to believe the Word of God and act on it.
KNOW IT ∞ A true disciple will believe all that is written in the Word of God and act on it.
READ IT ∞ John 6:60-69, 8:31, Mark 16:15-18
PRAY IT ∞ Father, help me to continually remain a true disciple, who believes your Word and act on it.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Esther 8-10

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 05.02.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.’ [1 Peter 2:9]

I went to a job interview where about twenty-two of us were shortlisted for the final interview with the chairmen of the company. The head of human resources told us the questions that the chairman will ask and how we should answer them. That was the simplest final interview I had ever attended. It was impossible to fail. The twenty-two of us went in one after the other. However at the end of the interview, out of twenty-two of us, one was not chosen. He was rejected by the company. It was strange, though we answered the same questions with the same answers yet, he was rejected. The beauty about the God we serve is that he does not reject anyone that genuinely comes to Christ. He will accept and not reject you. Then we become part of His chosen generation. As part of His chosen generation, God expects us to talk about Him to our friends, neighbors and as many people that are willing to listen to us in order for them to become part of these unique chosen generation. We should tell them Jesus called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Today, determine to invite your course mate, workmate that have not known Christ to come and be part of His chosen generation. He will not reject them.

KNOW IT ∞ You are chosen to talk about Him to multitudes in the harvest field.
READ IT ∞ Psalm 51:17, Ephesians 1:4, 2 Thessalonians 2:13
PRAY IT ∞ Father, thank you for not rejecting me and making me part of your chosen generation.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Esther 1-4

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 04.02.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved; every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God ‘. [1 Samuel 30:6]

Pressure can arise from feeling overburdened by others expectation or when disappointed with happenings or the progress made in a task! A lot of people commit grave mistakes that have long lasting consequences when they are under pressure. Jephthah wanted to go to war, under pressure he vowed to sacrifice the first thing that comes from his house if God allowed him to defeat the children of Ammon. His daughter was the first person that came to meet him after God gave him deliverance from the children of Ammon. She was subsequently sacrificed. Do you know some people are suffering now because of an unfulfilled vow they made when under pressure? David was under pressure when they came to Ziklag and found that the city was burned with fire, and all their women and children were taken captive. Even his men wanted to stone him. Yet, the Lord gave David wisdom to cope with the pressure by putting total trust in God. The end result was that God told David to pursue after the Amalekites and that he will recover all. Brethren, we must learn to cope with pressure without committing sin or jeopardizing our future. Let us encourage ourselves in the Lord in the midst of a pressure and watch God give us victory.

KNOW IT ∞ Be wise, learn how to cope with pressure
READ IT ∞ 1 Samuel 30:1-6, Hebrews 12:2, Judges 11:30-31
PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the wisdom to cope up with pressure when it comes my way.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Nehemiah 10-13

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 03.02.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ A man that hath many friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother’ . [Proverbs 18:24]
Jonathans soul was knit to David. He was his only friend. Out of envy, Jonathans father King Saul told Jonathan and all his servants to kill David. Jonathan did not yield to the instruction of his father, rather he quickly went to inform David about the intentions of his father towards him. He told him to go and hide in a secret place while he will go and discuss with his father about him. Jonathan pleaded on behalf of David; he told his father that David had been a faithful warrior to him. The father King Saul promised not to kill David again. A good friend must seek the protection of his friends and not expose them in the face of adversity. Jesus showed his love for us (his friends) by laying down his life to shield us from the wiles and attacks of the devil. One way to know a good friend can protect his friends is by showing them the way of salvation. They show their friends the secret place of the almighty where they can enjoy maximum protection. If you have friends that you have not shown the way of Christ despite numerous opportunities you have been presented, can you consider yourself a good friend? You need to protect your friends, pray for them until they accept Jesus and come under the shield of the almighty. When their understanding opens, they will value you as a good friend.

KNOW IT ∞ Protect your friends by showing them the way of Christ.
READ IT ∞ 1 Samuel 19:1-6, Acts 16:17, Psalm 91:1
PRAY IT ∞ Father, give the grace to tell my friends about your love and protection.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Nehemiah 7-9

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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