Date: 23.01.2021

Biblical Text: ‘(for he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of salvation)’. [2 Corinthians 6:2]

There is a story of a young man who wished to marry the farmers beautiful daughter. The father of the girl told him, son, I am going to release three bulls, one at a time. If you can catch the tail of any one of the three bulls, you can marry my daughter. The young man was happy, this will be easy he thought! The young man stood in the pasture awaiting the first bull. The barn door opened and out ran the biggest meanest looking bull, he decided he will step aside believing he had a better chance at one of the next two bulls. The barn door opened again, he had never seen any bull so big and fierce. Again, he quickly stepped aside believing the last bull will be the best choice. The barn door opened the third time. A smile came across his face, it is a little weakest bull he had ever seen. As the bull came running, he positioned himself and jumped at the exact moment. He grabbed..but the bull had no tail! There are two major opportunities God has given to us believers, the opportunity of salvation and the opportunity to do exploits. Quite a number of people keep postponing the day of their salvation until they run short of opportunities. Similarly, when the opportunity to do exploit was presented to Joseph, he took it. Do not waste the gift of opportunities that God is bringing your way. Maybe today is another opportunity presented to you to be saved, so you can have the opportunity to do exploit just like Joseph. Accept Jesus into your life today, do not delay any longer!
KNOW IT ∞ God will always bring opportunities your way, utilize them, do not waste them.
READ IT ∞ Hebrews 9:27, Genesis 41:9-14, Matthew 20:30
PRAY IT ∞ Father, thank you for the opportunity of salvation you have given unto me; forgive me of my sins and accept me into your fold in Jesus Name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 1 Samuel 14-16

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 22.01.2021

Biblical Text: ‘Now therefore command thou that they hew me cedar trees out of Lebanon, and my servants shall be with thy servants and unto thee will I give hire for thy servants according to all that thou knowest that there is not among us any that can skill to hew timber like unto the Sidonians’. [1 Kings 5:6]

A ship engine failed and no one could fix it, so they brought in a mechanical engineer with 40 years of experience. He inspected the engine very carefully top to bottom. After looking things over, the guy reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something, instantly the engine burst back into life. The engine was fixed! Seven days later he sent the owner a bill of $ 10,000. What? The owner said, you hardly did anything, send us an itemized bill. The itemized bill from the engineer simply read, Tapping with the hammer. $2, Knowing where to tap. $9,998. Dont ever underestimate experience. Experience is valuable knowledge gathered over years in the course of learning. Experience enhances success in a particular field. Medical doctors are required to gather relevant knowledge over a considerable number of years before they are referred to as a consultant. To get experience, you must be willing to learn with humility under the mentorship of a God directed person. Do not be like Gehazi who was not willing to learn with humility thereby making the glorious plan of God for his life to be truncated.
KNOW IT ∞ Experience is the best teacher, get it!
READ IT ∞ Exodus 3:3, Romans 5:3, Genesis 30:27
PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the patience to learn with humility so as to get experience
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 1 Samuel 11-13

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Biblical Text: ‘ When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, will thou be made whole? The impotent man answered him, sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me ‘ [John 5:6-7]

You are not disadvantaged! Do not look down on yourself, rather look up to God. God had a great assignment for Moses but he listed a lot of excuses to suggest to God that he was disadvantaged to take up the great task. He told God, who am I that I should go onto pharaoh and deliver the children of Israelites out of Egypt? He told God again that the Israelites will not believe him. He just felt He was not capable. When God insisted that He was still the chosen one, Moses told God, I am not eloquent, I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. He was continuously pointing out his disadvantages to God. What about Jeremiah? When God chose him, he told God, Lord, you know I am a child, I cannot speak. Every righteous child of God is not disadvantaged! Do not think the predicament you are currently experiencing is because you are disadvantaged, you can win that competition, excel in that job or task that others have failed, you will succeed. Even your trusted counsellors might have told you that you are disadvantaged, do not believe them, trust in the Lord that sent you, the one that qualifies men; He will turn every disadvantage in your life to an advantage just like He did for Moses and Jeremiah!
KNOW IT ∞ God will turn every perceived disadvantage in your life to an advantage.
READ IT ∞ Exodus 4:1, 4:10, Jeremiah 1:6-7
PRAY IT ∞ Father, thank you for turning my disadvantage to an advantage.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 1 Samuel 8-10
© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 20.01.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ And He said, my presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. And he said unto him; if thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.’ [Exodus 33:14-15]
God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and cry to them to change their ways so that they are not destroyed. Jonah refused to go rather, he arose, boarded a ship and departed unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. Suddenly the ship he boarded began to experience a mighty storm. A storm capable of destroying the ship which includes all passengers aboard. They were afraid. Upon enquiry, they discovered that the trouble they were going through was because of Jonah who fled the presence of God. Moses on the other hand, knew the importance of the presence of God, having fled the land of Egypt before as a murderer, he returned with the presence of the Lord to deliver Gods people from captivity without fear. And great wonders were done through the hands of Moses because of the presence of the Lord. It is the presence of the Lord in our lives that makes all the difference. The presence of God guarantees rest, protects from the wicked and gives you fullness of joy. However, sin drives us away from His presence. Adam and Eve hid from the presence of the Lord when they sinned. Repent today and His presence shall go with you.
KNOW IT ∞ It is God’s presence that makes all the difference in our lives.
READ IT ∞ Jonah 1:2-12, Exodus 33:14, Psalm 51:11
PRAY IT ∞ Father, have mercy on me, cast me not away from your presence.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 1 Samuel 4-7

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 19.01.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ Have not I commanded these? Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest’. [Joshua 1:9]

Jane busted into tears, she had just been told that she was not successful in the job interview. This was the sixth time this year she will not succeed in a job interview. All ended with a familiar response, either You are not successful or we will get back to you later. Earlier that day, the landlord served her with a quit notice because she owed over a year house rent. The job was her last hope of making ends meet. Jane was visibly frustrated! Isaac went through a season of frustration. All the wells his fathers servant had dug were covered up by the envious philistines. To get water for his large numbers of cattle was a serious challenge. He was still battling with this when the village head told him to leave the village. Forceful relocation was not what he envisaged. After, he was driven out, he tried digging wells on two different occasions but the enemy strove with him. They wanted to frustrate him, but he kept on digging until he discovered another well which they strove not with him; that same night, God appeared to him with a promise to bless and multiply him. A crucial antidote to frustration is to intensely focus on the outcome by trusting in God and not on the obstacle. The end result will be blessing for you.
KNOW IT ∞ Trusting God is the antidote to frustration.
READ IT ∞ Genesis 26:15, 19:24, Ecclesiastes 7:8
PRAY IT ∞ Father, I trust in you to overcome my season of frustration.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR* ∞ 1 Samuel 1-3

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 19.01.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ Have not I commanded these? Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest’. [Joshua 1:9]

Jane busted into tears, she had just been told that she was not successful in the job interview. This was the sixth time this year she will not succeed in a job interview. All ended with a familiar response, either You are not successful or we will get back to you later. Earlier that day, the landlord served her with a quit notice because she owed over a year house rent. The job was her last hope of making ends meet. Jane was visibly frustrated! Isaac went through a season of frustration. All the wells his fathers servant had dug were covered up by the envious philistines. To get water for his large numbers of cattle was a serious challenge. He was still battling with this when the village head told him to leave the village. Forceful relocation was not what he envisaged. After, he was driven out, he tried digging wells on two different occasions but the enemy strove with him. They wanted to frustrate him, but he kept on digging until he discovered another well which they strove not with him; that same night, God appeared to him with a promise to bless and multiply him. A crucial antidote to frustration is to intensely focus on the outcome by trusting in God and not on the obstacle. The end result will be blessing for you.
KNOW IT ∞ Trusting God is the antidote to frustration.
READ IT ∞ Genesis 26:15, 19:24, Ecclesiastes 7:8
PRAY IT ∞ Father, I trust in you to overcome my season of frustration.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR* ∞ 1 Samuel 1-3

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 18.01.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying, I will be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleaned. [Matthew 8:2-3]

A family in Nigeria was once at their lowest ebb in their finances, they decided to worship God every night without asking Him for anything. The Lord that loves worship, arose and sent them a helper that same month. And guess from where the help came from? An unknown person in Afghanistan! Beloved, worshipping God provokes wonders. Worship is an opportunity to give gratitude to God by exalting and extolling Him for who He is! In the Biblical text we read, the leper worshipped God and God arose and cleansed him. Halleluyah! One of the wonders that happened in Elijahs ministry was provoked on the altar of worship; fire fell down from heaven to consume a sacrifice that has been completely drenched in water. God always move in an atmosphere of worship. A certain ruler also worshipped Jesus and desired his daughter to be healed. Immediately, Jesus arose and followed him to heal his daughter. God will always move in the direction of your worship to provoke His wonders. As parents loves children that show gratitude so also God loves His children that worship Him continually. Worship God today to provoke His wonders.

KNOW IT ∞ Worship God continually and provoke His wonders in your life.

READ IT ∞ 1 Kings 18:36-39, Matthew 9:18-19, Psalm 96:9

PRAY IT ∞ Father, I worship you O Lord, thank you for everything.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 2 Corinthians 10-13

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Date: 17.01.2021

Biblical Text: Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong . [1 Corinthians 16:13]

During the gold rush, a man who had been mining in Colorado for several months quit his job, as he had not struck gold yet and the work was becoming tiresome. He sold his equipment to another man who resumed mining where he had left off. The new miner was advised by his engineer that there was gold only three feet where the first miner stopped digging. The new miner found out the engineer was right. This means the first miner was a mere three feet away from striking gold before he quit. You are closer to the finish line than you think and if you push just a little harder, you will succeed. The race to fulfillment in life is not for quitters but for people who will finish what they start. The children of Israelites were almost giving up when they saw the Egyptians pursuing hard after them, they thought they had gotten to the end of the road but God turned it to a bend. The fact that you have the backing of God in a divine assignment does not mean things will not get tough, but you must persevere through the adversity to success. Never give up on yourself, your calling or assignment. Do not abandon your education, job, career, and marriage because you thought it cannot work. You are three feet away from success. The end will give you the anticipated result.

KNOW IT ∞ Do not give up, you are close to success.

READ IT ∞ Philippians 1:6, Luke 18:5, Isaiah 41:10

PRAY IT ∞ Father, I receive strength never to give up in the face of adversity.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 2 Corinthians 7-9

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Date: 16.01.2021

Biblical Text: ‘Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, we also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing ‘ . [John 21:3]

In a town where their major occupation was fishing, some young men decided to go on a fishing expedition. They were fishing experts and they chose the best time of the day to catch fishes, which is at night. They were convinced that their fishing expedition would be highly successful. After spending hours in the sea, they discovered it was not as easy as envisaged, they had cut nothing. Where were the fishes? One of the young men exclaimed, we can still try more, we must not go home empty handed. Then they tried harder for a few more hours. Despite utilizing all their skills and experience, their quest to catch fishes was futile. With daybreak gradually lurking, the leader of the group suggested that they should go home and give it up! Give it up? They asked, Yes, give it up, we can try another time, he replied them. Slowly, they made their way back home. I have been in situations where I struggle to get things done; in most cases, I realize God is not there. The wise step to take is always to give it up. Sadly, we hear of individuals who died in the process of struggling to do what was not achievable. No matter how far you have gone, when you discover that Gods presence is not in the task you are trying to achieve, give it up fast! No delay, do not wait until it brings you pain.

KNOW IT ∞ When you sense God’s presence is not in what you are doing, give it up!

READ IT ∞ Genesis 19:26, Luke 5:1-5. Exodus 33:15

PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the wisdom to give up on activities that you are not involved in.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 2 Corinthians 4-6

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Date: 15.01.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ For with God nothing shall be impossible’ . [Luke 1:37]

And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, it is a spirit and they cried out for fear. It was an impossible feat, for a human to walk on water, no man had ever walked on water; they thought this must be a spirit. Scientifically, this is not possible. Of course, gravitational force plays a role in making everything on earth go down. Also, looking at the surface tension theory for humans to succeed to walk in water, he would have to sprint 108km/hour (67mph); the worlds fastest man Usain Bolt ran at 37.8km/h (23.5mph) to set a world record; not enough to walk on water. For the human body to achieve this feat, it would take 15 times more energy than what it produces. Jesus did not run on water, He walked on water; He did what was scientifically and humanly impossible. He bid his disciple, Peter to come and walk on water too. So many things people label impossible has been done; some of them not in the lifetime for them to see it. They said we can never have a heavy metal flying in the sky; the Wright brothers made it possible by making an airplane. Scripturally speaking, with God nothing shall be impossible. For some of you, God might have been showing you great things that He wants to do through you which people have tagged impossible. Believe in His Word that says there is no impossibility with God and forge ahead!

KNOW IT ∞ The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.

READ IT ∞ Jeremiah 32:27, Genesis 18:14, Luke 18:27

PRAY IT ∞ Father, thank you for making every impossible thing in my life possible.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 2 Corinthians 1-3

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