Date: 06.04.2021

Biblical Text: “ For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ ”. [1 Corinthians 2:16]

Some years back, It was all over the news of a 26 years old Nigerian secondary school graduate named Emeka Nelson that invented a generator that runs on water. Though, Emeka is not a certified Engineer, he is keen on solving problems. He currently uses his invention to power his 2- bedroom bungalow. This to me is a major technological breakthrough invented by a secondary school graduate. Every believer likewise, has a mind of amazing incomprehensible capabilities because it has the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ is a creative mind capable of birthing the unimaginable and the impossible. The mind of Christ enables you to think and reason like Christ. Every believer that has the mind of Christ is wise but not all wise men have the mind of Christ. For wise men that do not have the mind of Christ, there is a limitation to what they can think or achieve. But a believer that has the mind of Christ do not have a limitation to what they can achieve or think because there is no limitation with God. Pharaoh had magicians and wise men that were all unbelievers; they could not interpret his dream- that was their limitation; Joseph on the other hand who had the mind of Christ interpreted the dream and gave solutions of what they should do. The mind of Christ is the glory that separates the believer from the unbeliever. God does not want the mind He has given us to be fallow; He wants us to put it to good use in all facets of our lives- academics, business, career, ministry and marital life. So you need to put it to good use today!

KNOW IT ∞ God has given every believer His mind to uplift us to the extraordinary sphere in life.
READ IT ∞ Philippians 2:5, Luke 2:47, Acts 6:8-10
PRAY IT ∞ Father, thank you for giving me the mind of Christ to achieve great things in Jesus Name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Isaiah 34-36

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 05.04.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ He sent his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction ‘. [Psalm 107:20]

A centurion came to Jesus beseeching him to come and heal his servant who lieth at home sick of paralysis. Jesus told him, He will come and heal him. When the centurion saw the great signs and wonders Jesus did; he noticed Jesus was a man of authority so he said to Jesus, ‘ You are a man of authority , you do not need to come to my house, just speak the Word and my servant will be healed ‘. The centurion understood the potency of the Word of God. The servant was healed the same hour that Jesus spoke the Word. The Word of God is potent. To be potent means to be powerful and effective. The word of God healed the blind man, restores broken marriages, delivers from death and it enables you to possess your possession. Simon Peter and his team of fishermen had toiled all night but caught nothing; but when the Word came, it changed their story; they enclosed a great multitude of fishes. The Word of God can reverse every irreversible; it can penetrate any barrier. There is no long-lasting problem that can withstand the Word. The Word of God shatters every problem to pieces. The Word of God is powerfully effective to tackle any situation that confronts you; leaving only one vanquish. A man that builds himself up in the Word of God becomes a carrier of the potency available in the Word. To be powerfully effective in all that you do, build yourself up in the Word.

KNOW IT ∞ The Word of God is powerfully effective and it is a potent tool in the hand of the believer.
READ IT ∞ Luke 5:5-6, Matthew 8:5-13, Hebrews 4:12
PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the understanding to be a partaker of the potency in the Word in Jesus Name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Isaiah 31-33

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 04.04.2021

Biblical Text: ‘If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept’ . [1 Corinthians 15:19-20]

I am always excited to shout it, even on the mountain top that Jesus is risen! He is alive. Praise God! The essence of Christianity is the risen Christ. Apostle Paul said that if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is vain and our faith vain. The resurrection of Jesus on the third day is an indicator that if we believe in Jesus, we will resurrect too in like manner on the last day. Our lives are not miserable. The significance is that Christians do not die rather they are translated to a better life- everlasting life , a life of pleasure, joy and everlasting rest. The unbelieving Jews under the control of the devil rolled a big stone on top of the sepulcher of Jesus and also set a watch around the sepulcher to ensure that the prophecy that he had earlier given about His resurrection will not come to pass. But death could not hold him captive, He arose from the grave; He is risen, He is alive! If not for Jesus, we could have perished in our sins. His resurrection from the dead gave us victory over death and our sins, Halleluyah! Jesus is alive!

KNOW IT ∞ Death is swallowed up in victory, Christ is risen!
READ IT ∞ Matthew 27:63, Luke 24:7, Matthew 28:6
PRAY IT ∞ Father, thank you for sending your Son to redeem mankind.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Isaiah 28-30

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 01.04.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ For my yoke is easy and my burden is light’. [Matthew 11:30]

I had an acquaintance who was good in a lot of things; he was a professional salesman with a Masters degree in Business Administration; he can do tiling; he can paint; he can produce paints; he is into fish farming and a lot more. But with all these skills, he struggled to reach the heights of building a profitable business in any of them. It was not easy for him. He once said, sometimes I work like an elephant but eat like an ant. God wants our lives to be easy and that includes all the activities that concern our lives. Without Jesus, life can never be easy. You might be at a point where you have tried everything; you have worked very hard and become weary; yet no significant progress has been made. Why not turn to Jesus; it can be easy. I discovered early that anything I am struggling with is because God is not in it. I abandon it immediately, no matter how far I have gone. Papa Oyedepo of Living Faith Church said they were struggling to grow a Church branch overseas; they tried everything, but it was not working. After two years, he enquired from the Lord and the Lord said, ‘it will not work because I am not there’. Papa Oyedepo abandoned it immediately. Our life can be easy if we ensure God is in all we are laboring to build. Take time out to seek for a confirmation from the Lord and wait for Him to speak before you launch out. God does not want things to be difficult for us but easy, ONLY on the things that He approves. If you are experiencing difficulty in any venture, pause for a moment and seek the face of God, let him lead you to easier paths. It will be easy for you in Jesus Name.

KNOW IT ∞ Life can be easy with Jesus backing you.
READ IT ∞ Ecclesiastes 10:15, Isaiah 40:30-31, Jeremiah 31:35
PRAY IT ∞ Father, thank you for making all that I do according to your instruction to be easy in Jesus Name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Isaiah 19-21

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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