Date: 29.04.2021

Biblical Text: ‘Be ye angry and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath’. [Ephesians 4:26]

As siblings grow older, there are some cases when the devil tries to bring disagreement between siblings with the aim of separating them. Siblings disagreement can arise from trivial issues to more serious issues. Esau felt that his brother cheated him and vowed to kill him after his father’s death. This is an example of a serious disagreement. However, when Jacob met Esau on his return from Haran, he was expecting that his brother might carry out the threat he had earlier issued; but God helped Esau to overlook the disagreement and settled amicably with his brother. The same God that instituted a family, paired the people that will fit best as siblings so that they can complement one another and get the best out of life. There might be disagreement between us and our siblings, but we must not give the devil a chance and allow it to drag for too long. When we allow our disagreement to linger for too long, it can bred unforgiveness and hatred which hinders us from God’s blessings. One effective way to get rid of siblings’ disagreement is to love one another unconditionally. Even, if your sibling made a mistake that affected you severely because of love, you will always find a reason to forgive them and remain bonded. Everyone in the family has their strong points and their weak points. The weak points might be a major point of siblings disagreement. Siblings can complement one another by praying for one another for God to take the weak points out of their lives.

KNOW IT ∞ Siblings must complement one another and overcome their disagreement with love.
READ IT ∞ Genesis 33:5-13
PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the grace never to disagree and be embittered with my siblings in Jesus Name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Luke 18-21

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 27.04.2021

Biblical Text: “By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace”. [Hebrews 11:31]

Rahab was a harlot in the land of Jericho. When Joshua sent spies to the land of Jericho, they came to the house of Rahab and lodged there. Some people went to tell the king of Jericho that some spies came from the land of Israel and that they were staying in the house of Rahab. The king of Jericho ordered Rahab to bring the spies to him. He also ordered the gates of Jericho to be shut to prevent them from escaping. But Rahab denied that the spies were with her. The King then ordered a comprehensive search in the land and even outside of Judah for the spies. Before they could search Rahab’s house, Rahab helped them escape through a cord by the window of her house. She told the spies that she believed their God and begged them to save her and her family alive when they come to battle the land of Jericho. The spies promised to do as she had requested. Rahab advised the spies on how to escape from their pursuers at the mountain. The spies arrived at Israel safely and briefed Joshua about their findings and their promise to save Rahab. When Joshua and the people of Israel attacked the land of Jericho, only Rahab the harlot and her entire family were saved; all the people of Jericho with all their animals were destroyed and the city burned. The Lord opened the heart of Rahab the harlot to accept Him and He took her from a zero to a hero. Another trait that took Rahab the harlot from a zero to hero was her hospitality and love to the strangers. It was love that qualified Rahab to be listed among the elders of faith in the book of Hebrews. Accepting Jesus into our lives is very important; it takes us from a zero to a hero!

KNOW IT ∞ God can take you from a zero to a hero when you accept Him into your life and show love, care and hospitability even to strangers.
READ IT ∞ Joshua 2:1-21; 6:17-25
PRAY IT ∞ Jesus, thank you for coming into my heart to take me from a zero to a hero. Father, help me to show love and care even to strangers in Jesus Name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Luke 10-13

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 26.04.2021

Biblical Text: ‘As new born babies desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. [2 Peter 2:2]

People devote a lot of attention to their physical growth. At one time, a certain huge man met me for counselling. I told him to wait on the Lord for some days till 12pm in the afternoon so we can pray together. He could not do it for too long. His wife told me that the few days he did it; he will tell her to bring his food at about 11:50am while he will be watching the clock tick slowly till 12pm so that he can devour his meal. He told me that it was difficult for him to fast because he does not like to be hungry. This man, though physically grown up, was spiritually still a child. We must all place emphasis on our spiritual growth. There is a saying used in the area of a man’s diet, ‘You are what you eat’. This also applies spiritually. To grow spiritually from babyhood, you must not feed on JUNKS. The first stage in spiritual growth is birth (giving your life to Christ) in order to enter into babyhood. Like physical babies, spiritual babies must be carefully fed with the Word so that they can understand and grow. Also, as you cannot feed a physical baby heavy food, so you cannot feed a spiritual baby heavy spiritual food so as not stunt their growth. Similarly, like physical babies that need to be cared for gently so also do spiritual barbies! You cannot expect a bay to walk in four months, you must gently care for them and show them love. They must be closely observed as you feed them with the words of LIFE (Bible). Jesus carefully nurtured his disciples through the babyhood stage. When nurturing believers in babyhood stage, ensure you do it gently and in love!

KNOW IT ∞ Spiritual babyhood needs care, love and gentleness to grow.
READ IT ∞ Ephesians 4:8-15, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 2 Timothy 3:15
PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the grace to keep growing spiritually in Jesus Name.

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 25.04.2021

Biblical Text: I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in mouth. [Psalm 34:1]

Attitude is the state of your mind which is determined by what you allow to control it. I watched a Christian movie that depicts that attitude is very important. Kola was a Christian brother searching for a job; he was active in the Church and encourages all around him. As the job search lengthened, Bro Kola allowed discouragement to set in. he began to complain and question God. At one interview he went for, he preached to an unbeliever who came for the same interview; the unbeliever refused to give his life to Christ. Months later, the unbeliever was selected ahead of Kola for the job; he then reasoned that God has been good to him despite his unfaithfulness. He decided to give his life to Christ; he went to the only brother who he felt could lead him to Christ was Kola. On approaching Kola, he was furious that he did not get the job. He bluntly told the unbeliever he was not interested in leading him to Christ. Kola missed the golden opportunity to lead the unbeliever to Christ because of his selfish attitude. It almost destroyed him, but God restored him back. Even in trials, we must maintain a godly attitude. David maintain a positive and godly attitude at all times; no wonder he was a man beloved of the Lord; the same can be said of Job! We must watch the state of our mind; during trials and persecution; during victory; during defeat; even at all times. Our attitude controls everything that happens to us. Your attitude to God determines your altitude in life. Beloved of God, how high you go in life is a function of your attitude.

KNOW IT ∞ Your attitude determines your altitude in life.
READ IT ∞ Acts 8:40-41; 2 Samuel 6:14; Job 13:15
PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the grace to maintain an attitude that is pleasing to you in Jesus Name.

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 24.04.2021

Biblical Text: “If I laughed on them, they believed it not; and the light of my countenance they cast down”. [Job 29:24]

Attitude is a disposition or state of mind which is expressed through actions taken, posture bearing, tone of voice, facial expression among others. Countenance on the other hand means appearance especially the features and expressions of the face. Job went through a tragic moment in his life losing all his ten children and businesses in one day; yet he maintained a positive attitude influenced by his unshakeable belief in God. His wife and friends spoke negatively to him in order to bring down his countenance but he held on to God, displayed in his attitude and expressed by his countenance; even in the most challenging time of his life. God turned Job’s life around and restored everything he had lost. When your attitude is right, your countenance will be right. It is your attitude that controls your countenance. An ungrateful attitude may be expressed by a sad, wicked, gloomy or indifferent countenance. A person that has a proud attitude will likely display a proud countenance. The Bible records that David and Abigail had a beautiful countenance. When Hannah’s attitude changed, the Bible records that her countenance was no more sad and her miracle came, (1 Samuel 1:18). Let God be the backbone behind your attitude that defines the countenance you express.

KNOW IT ∞ Your attitude defines the countenance you express.
READ IT ∞ Psalm 43:5, 1 Samuel 16:12, 25:3
PRAY IT ∞ Father, I receive grace for my attitude and countenance to reflect you O Lord in Jesus Name.

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 22.04.2021
Biblical Text: Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. [Matthew 5:14]

Our light must shine in the world. It is not debatable because it has been written. God expects this from every believer. For our light to shine in the world, we must allow His Word to lighten our lives by producing fruits of the Spirit- love, joy, peace, temperance, meekness, faith, long suffering, goodness and gentleness. The outward expression of these fruits of the Spirit makes us a sign and a wonder in the world which helps us to produce fruits in the lives of others. At the Island of Melita, Apostle Paul was gathering sticks to put in the fire when suddenly a poisonous viper fastened on his hands. When the people saw the venomous beast hang on his hands, they expected him to fall and die. Rather, Apostle Paul shook off the snake into the fire and felt no harm. After, the people observed that Paul did not die or become swollen as a result of being bitten by the snake; they changed their minds and said he was a god! His light shone; they brought all that were diseased on the Island and he healed them all. Paul was a light among the people of Melita. Many of those on the Island believed God for what they saw Paul did. Under the program of heaven, your light is destined to shine in this dark world. Your light must shine anywhere you are found; in the School, at work and in any area of your life, people must see the light of God shining through all that you do. Do not settle for less.

KNOW IT ∞ I are a light to the world, destined to shine anywhere you go.
READ IT ∞ Isaiah 9:8, 60:1, Acts 28:3-9
PRAY IT ∞ Father, thank you for making me a light in the world in Jesus Name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ Leviticus 20-23

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 13.04.2021

Biblical Text: ‘ For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first and counteth the cost whether he have sufficient to finish it’. [Luke 14:28]

Three fishes lived in a pond namely, plan ahead, think fast and wait & see. When the fisherman came the next day to cast his net, plan ahead and think fast found a way to escape; only wait & see ended up in the fishing market!
A plan is a set of intended actions usually mutually related through which one intends to achieve a goal, Every worthwhile goal begins with a plan. A wise man remarked, ‘if we fail to plan, we plan to fail’. Planning helps us to organize our efforts in such a way as to produce results. Our God is a master planner. He gave Moses the complete plan of the temple to be built including the dimensions to be used; the colour and design of the cloth of the priest of God. Also, God did not just send Noah to build an ark, he gave him the right design and the dimensions to use. God executed the fall of the wall of Jericho with a masterfully crafted plan that He gave to Joshua and the Israelites. Before the fall of the wall of Jericho, it was the strongest most fortified wall, but with a plan, it fell flat. Planning entails having a goal, forecasting and taking actions to achieve it. But planning without God will make one become like the rich fool stated in the Bible. A beautifully crafted plan without God can end up producing a futile result. Beloved, always plan with God.

KNOW IT ∞ Only lazy people do not plan; foolish people plan without God but wise people plan with God.
READ IT ∞ Luke 12:20, Proverbs 19:21, Joshua 6:1-27
PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the wisdom to plan with you so as to produce extraordinary results in Jesus Name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 2 Chronicles 4-6

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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Date: 12.04.2021
Biblical Text: ‘ And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die, and what profit shall this birthright do to me’. [Genesis 25:32]

The first story of a man that ate his tomorrow in the Bible was Esau. Esau came home from a hunting expedition, faint and hungry. His younger brother had just finished preparing a delicious looking red pottage. Jacob said to Esau, ‘Sell your birthright today, then I will give you the pottage’. That day, Esau despised his birthright to Jacob and swore that he has sold his birthright to Jacob. He sold his birthright in order to eat the red pottage. He ate his tomorrow that day ! Years later, when he was to receive his fatherly blessing from Esau, Jacob cunningly obtained it, because he forgot he had already eaten the blessings the birthright would have brought to him (in the red pottage). Many youths today are eating their tomorrow today. They do not care what happens tomorrow or the consequences of their action today. They sleep with a woman or a man old enough to be their mother or father for money. They are eating their tomorrow already. Esau ate his tomorrow and when he got to the morrow; he suddenly found out that it was empty for him. He ate his tomorrow carelessly and foolishly. God has a glorious plan for you tomorrow, why lose it on the bed of immorality, wickedness, covetousness and sin. When counselling some people, you will discover their predicament arose because they already ate their tomorrow in their younger days. May we be wise not to eat our tomorrow today in Jesus Name.

KNOW IT ∞ Beware, do not eat your tomorrow today.
READ IT ∞ Genesis 25:29-34, Luke 15:12-32
PRAY IT ∞ Father, give me the wisdom not to eat my tomorrow today in Jesus Name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ∞ 2 Chronicles 1-3

© Pastor Tunde Richards & Pastor Oluwafemi Adebayo

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